StateBook Insights Blog
Illuminating life with data
Use ChatGPT with Caution!
StateBook uncovers significant risk in relying on ChatGPT for research or analysis, particularly for professionals making investment decisions!
When ChatGPT began gaining notoriety for its powerful generative AI capabilities, we got excited about the prospect of applying the novel technology to create reports for our customers. What we found was not just disappointing but actually alarming…
Cities & Towns Filled with Holiday Cheer
With the holidays fast approaching, we analyzed some festively-named cities across the country for some fun facts! Bethlehem City, PA If you are traveling to this city of 75,000 this holiday season, chances are you won’t need to stay in a manger. Rather, you’ll...
Will Your Thanksgiving Groceries Cost More This Year?
While it is certainly priceless to set aside a day each year to appreciate the many blessings we all share, the cost of our Thanksgiving groceries will likely not be on the list of things for which we are giving thanks, this year. If you are celebrating Thanksgiving...
Honoring Veterans
Veteran's Day has celebrated our service men and women since the official armistice went into effect at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, marking the end of fighting in World War I. Originally called Armistice Day by President Woodrow...
Sweets Capital of the USA
29With Halloween fast approaching an analysis by StateBook researchers* shows that Pennsylvania is awash in metro areas specializing in producing the sweets many of us stock up on at this time of year: chocolate and confectionery manufacturing. The location quotient...
Evaluating Cost of Living by Metro Area
When Covid hit and overnight people transitioned to work from home, many urbanites made the decision to relocate - at least temporarily - to a place where they could have a "better" quality of life, including a bigger house, a yard for their kids, better proximity to...
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