ISD Helene Recovery Alliance

 Powered by StateBook

The ISD Helene Recovery Alliance

The ISD Helene Recovery Alliance (HRA) is being developed to share information, coordinate response efforts, tackle critical unmet challenges, and enhance collaboration among key disaster recovery stakeholders to initiate projects, shape policies and strategies, and streamline the delivery of essential resources and technical assistance to vulnerable and hard-to-reach individuals, small businesses, and communities. The HRA is a non-partisan, public-private voluntary initiative of the Institute for Sustainable Development, a 501(c)-3 non-profit organization with over 20 years of experience working at the intersection of economic, environmental, and social concerns.

The ISD team may use the drop-downs below to explore the data and analytics powered by StateBook for the counties most impacted by Hurricane Helene to develop response and recovery efforts. 

Hurricane Helene Recovery Area

Florida Recovery Area

Georgia Recovery Area

South Carolina Recovery Area

North Carolina Recovery Area

Virginia Recovery Area

Tennessee Recovery Area

About ISD and StateBook

The Institute for Sustainable Development (ISD) is a national resilience and long-term recovery coordination center based in Washington, D.C. For the past 25 years, the ISD team has originated every disaster and community development program the U.S. Chamber runs, plus the Adopt-A-Chamber, Adopt-A-Business, and the Black business mentorship programs in Minneapolis post-murder of George Floyd. ISD also developed the Together for LA Community Resilience Network based on Project Impact and created the first template for state resilience revolving load funds to match the FEMA STORM Act in Maryland. 

StateBook is a location intelligence company providing hyper-local, mapped, and visualized data insights for the U.S. StateBook informs optimal locations for investment and delivers comprehensive analytics for community resilience and economic growth strategies. StateBook data is sector and market-agnostic, providing insights spanning demographics, workforce, industries, economics, health, transportation, energy, natural disaster risk, and more. StateBook’s data APIs can be configured to rapidly deploy bespoke solutions for critical research and response. 

StateBook International

Information Advantage for Resilient, Thriving Communities.
